Book Adventure Series-Part 4
About this event :
Invite a friend and join us at The Royal Henley Thursday in the Clubhouse Theatre Thursday May 31st at 2:00pm for Part 4 of the Book Adventure Series “Tides of Change”. Authors Alastair and Candas present their final storytelling show by sharing their experience living on a small island on Canada’s Pacific Northwest coast with the ‘Namgis First Nations people. Through a medley of beautiful pictures and selected stories, you will share their journey and learn how the potlatch and other experiences deeply impacted them on a personal level. They left the community four months later with a greater understanding and awareness about Canada’s history, and with an increased respect, esteem and recognition for the First Nations people: their culture, rights and challenges.
Following this storytelling adventure join us in The Royal Henley Bistro for a coffee, tea & treat! Call Krista or Jessica TODAY to RSVP your spot! 905-935-1800